DBID: 8798
System number: P24V00000829 File number:
Date of commence:
Tender submit to:
19.08.2024 09:00
Cancel date: 02.12.2024
Title, type and description of public contract
Title: Upgrade of spectrometer NAP-XPS: Plasma decontaminator II.
Type of public contract: Supplies
Brief subject description: The subject-matter of the public contract is the supply of plasma decontaminator according to the Contracting Authority's requirements.
Procedure type, estimated value
otevřená výzva pro VZMR I., II. a III. kategorie
Public contract regime:
small-scale public contract
Estimated value:
540 000 Kč without VAT
Place of performance
Contracting authority
Official name: Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta
CRN: 00216208
Postal address: Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: Z2021-036156
Contact address
Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
via electronic tool E-ZAK (https://zakazky.cuni.cz)
Electronic communication
Within this contract, it is possible to communicate electronically via the eCommunication of the Contractor portal of the FEN.cz platform